Come on now, you are full of crap (you lie)
Nice music, shame there wasnt better content to match the song.
Not that you're trying to goad people into giving "you suck" reviews so that they get banned, or anything....
Mass voting, who needs proxies. With "119" (a made up number of you) you can down vote everyone else and vote your own shit up. You know it, i know it, and this was a flash to fool the general public.
I have been to your page, i have seen the forum posts saying "come on, zero this" and "5 my new work"
Sad pathetic liars. - That is mass voting. This was proven by you saying that the single frame "flash" passed judgement, due to YOUR influence. You are sheep, following someone who is laughing with you or at you, but they couldnt get their laughs without you.
Wow, Ozcar has friends in the syndicate. I hope that makes you feel special. You are all a bunch of kids that got bullied in the playground and now prefer to sit inside, put no effort into either your songs or your flash.
At least the clock crew had style, and some irony, whereas all i see of the star syndicates work is people seeking fame through controversial material, like that awful "daily toon" that took the piss out of the london bombings. Maybe a crew did use 9/11 to take the piss out of goths the same way you did emos, but i havent seen one. You are unfunny, tho i'm sure you probably have some good artists amongst you, you submit utter shite so far as i have seen.
Btw, the clock crew PWNS you, you could learn a lot from there sense of humour and style. Unless you are the clock crew disguised as lesser talented artists...... Put more effort into your work, try make something beautiful as opposed to something thats just shocking and tries to be funny.