Nice juxtaposition of sound
With monkeybullman on this one, i think it needs more booming noises, like he said a fucked up gong and in my opinion, replace the kick on some of the 1 beats with a proper heavy echoey kick drum.
What can i say, i like heavy beats :)
I get you about mastering through headphones, but i'm not going to raise the clarity in case it fools you into thinking i think its perfect.
The bass is lacking punch, is a little too smooth to be hip hop, which shows that you mastered through headphones, as bass distorts smaller speakers.
If i'm completely wrong and you did this through normal speakers, shout at me :)
Oh and about the stereotype of black men likin cheesy kung-fu, i dont know if its true at all, but i know wu-tang helped spread that stereotype :).